Couse we live in the real world..

Happy New Year

2010 has passed, like a blink of eye.
How’s your life going? Have you done the best for yourself, have you do something good for people you love? Hopefully.
I don’t make any resolution for this ‘bunny’ years. My resolution is still the same as last year : Do what I like, Do what I can do best, and share love and happyness. Yes, happyness, with an ‘Y’ instead of ‘I’.
Then, what I want most? Simple, I would continue my life as a professional consultant, travel more, spread my creativity as a photographer, and maybe, find my love 🙂

Here I share some fireworks I caught at Bundaran Hotel Indonesia, at New Year Eve. Thanks to Melysa as helping me through the crowd, setting my equipment. Without her, maybe I just sitting on my room that night. Hahaha

ENJOY! Happy New Year!!

Windy Blue
There is a strong wind when I took this photo, makes the spark dragged a bit by the wind.

I’m suprised when I catch this big perfect spark. With a slight wind, making a windy effect.

A constant burst of a hand-held fireworks

A huge crowd gathered at Bundaran Hotel Indonesia. Finding a free amusement of fireworks party.

Vintage toned fireworks.

Final fireworks, at the second of years change.

2 responses

  1. moli

    kyaaa~~~ bagus kembang nyah, met taun baru!!! -moli

    ni hadiah dari sayah:

    January 2, 2011 at 9:30 am

  2. Pasti yang di atas ini si Totot!

    January 4, 2011 at 6:51 am

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